On March 24, Aegea Saneamento signed Corsan’s Public-Private Partnership (PPP) contract. The signature materializes the company’s victory in the auction promoted by Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento (Corsan), in November 2019, and includes the execution of sewage collection and treatment in nine municipalities in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre. Aegea will operate in the region through the concessionaire Ambiental Metrosul.
“We believe that this partnership will contribute significantly to improving the rates and quality of sanitation services in the region, which still presents great challenges. For Aegea, it is a pleasure to be part of this project ”, says Radamés Casseb, CEO of Aegea Saneamento.
PPP will serve the cities of Alvorada, Cachoeirinha, Canoas, Eldorado do Sul, Esteio, Gravataí, Guaíba, Sapucaia do Sul and Viamão – all located in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, where about 1.7 million people live.
The PPP contract between Aegea Saneamento and the Government of Rio Grande do Sul, through Corsan, provides for investments of R $ 1.77 billion, of which R $ 1.4 billion is from Aegea, divided by R $ 1.03 billion for expansion of the sewage system and R $ 374 million for commercial and operational actions. Corsan will invest R $ 370 million.
The Aegea Consortium won the auction by submitting a tariff proposal of R $ 2.40 per m³ of billed sewage. The maximum rate determined by Corsan was R $ 3.31. With the formal signing of the contract, Ambiental Metrosul starts to monitor Corsan’s operations (between the months of April and July) so that the other phases of the partnership can begin – formal constitution of the PPP and other operational details. The final transfer of the operation to PPP is scheduled for February 2021.
The contract was signed at the Piratini Palace office, in Porto Alegre (RS), with Governor Eduardo Leite and Corsan’s president, Roberto Barbuti.