This Tuesday (20), Aegea Saneamento won the International Competition nº001 / 2020 promoted by Companhia Espírito Santense de Saneamento (Cesan). The bidding has as object the administrative concession for the execution of infrastructure works in sanitary sewage, improvements, maintenance and operation of the systems for the city of Cariacica, also covering the treatment of sewage from neighborhoods in the municipality of Viana, also in the state, benefiting more than 400 thousand people. The investment estimate is R $ 580 million, in the 30 years of the concession.
The public-private partnership aims to make the sewage system universal by the tenth year of concession. The current coverage rate for the collection and treatment of sewage is 45%. Cesan will continue to be responsible for the collection, treatment and distribution of water in the region.
“This new concession reinforces Aegea’s commitment to promoting more dignified and healthier lives, reducing the sanitation deficit in Brazil that affects millions of Brazilians who do not have access to sewage collection and treatment. The cities of Serra and Vila Velha, also in Espírito Santo, are in our service scope with great results achieved. Providing adequate sanitation for yet another important municipality in the state, with Cesan, which is already our partner, is a source of pride for the company, ”says Radamés Casseb, CEO of Aegea Saneamento.
According to 2018 data from the SNIS (National Sanitation Information System), almost 100 million Brazilians do not have access to sewage collection and 35 million do not access treated water.
“The company believes and trusts the public-private partnership model, based on successful concessions that already exist. Our experience in operating in locations of different sizes, with a transparent and ethical business model, coupled with our operational efficiency and investments, will be fundamental to contribute to universal sanitation in this region ”, adds Casseb.
With this new achievement, Aegea Saneamento starts operating in 58 cities, distributed in 12 states, and serving more than 9.3 million people.
Aegea believes that part of the solution to bring sanitation to all Brazilians is through complementarity and integrated action between the public authorities and the private sector. With the new regulatory framework for sanitation, initiatives like this will be enhanced, generating new investment opportunities in an even safer environment.