The main instrument of the Integrity Program is the Code of Conduct, which guides professionals to act in accordance with the country’s legislation and the company’s internal policies
Aegea Saneamento invests in communication and continuous training to guide the behavior of its managers and employees and to maintain an increasingly ethical and transparent corporate environment.
From January to May 2019, 2,421 professionals underwent training in the Integrity Program. For this, in addition to mandatory classroom training, the company also uses the Aegea Academy platform for online courses, which is important for continuing education, with a focus on the company’s sustainability and more efficiency in its performance.
“Aegea seeks to guarantee the highest level of transparency and ethics in its activities. To publicize and support all the initiatives of the company and its concessionaires, we have established a Compliance Program that promotes a culture of integrity based on Aegea’s values and Code of Conduct ”, says Talitha Oliveira Medrado, Integrity manager.
Based on the Prevention, Detection and Correction pillars, Aegea’s Integrity Program offers annual face-to-face training in most units. The agenda is designed in a thematic way, based on the needs of each of the 45 concessionaires responsible for sanitation in 49 cities in the country.
Created in 2012, the Code of Conduct is the main tool of the program and that is why it was recently revisited and updated. It is there that the guidelines and principles are found that must be observed and adopted by all managers, employees, including Aegea’s organizational units and business partners. The document brings together the 18 internal policies created to ensure a transparent posture, based on internationally recognized governance and compliance standards. Among them are the anti-corruption policy, prohibiting the payment of facilitation and donations, contributions and sponsorship.
“To ensure corporate compliance and integrity across all of its businesses, Aegea has developed policies that support expected standards of behavior. All of our policies and procedures require employees, suppliers and partners to act in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable to the business and the company’s internal guidelines ”, summarizes the Integrity manager.