This month, the Respeito Dá o Tom program, from Aegea Saneamento celebrates 3 years of existence. With the initial objective of promoting equity in opportunities for access to the company and professional growth for employees who declare themselves to be black and brown, the program achieved great results in the period and now has a new goal: to mirror the black and indigenous population in all hierarchical levels of Aegea, prioritizing leadership positions.
“Respeito Dá o Tom is a great achievement in 10 years of Aegea’s history. We operate in 12 states in the country and we believe that mirroring the Brazilian racial representativeness in the company is promoting increasingly rich scenarios, where the variety of ideas is reflected in an organizational environment where respect, productivity and personal development are pillars of support. In June 2020, according to self-reported data by employees in the HR system, we have 62.3% of blacks ”celebrates Josélio Raymundo, regional director of Aegea Saneamento and leader of the Respect Program gives Tom.
In three years, the Aegea program has built a solid foundation in its structure, with three pillars of action: employability, development and relationships that have resulted in an organizational environment that does not agree with prejudices, discrimination, attitudes that compromise the posture of respect, tolerance and cordiality within the company.
All of Aegea’s employees have already participated in some action of Respeito Dá o Tom, reinforcing the company’s commitment to treating the issue as a strategic pillar, in a responsible and collective way.
“Actions with employees are carried out through various channels, initiatives and through Academia Aegea, which is a platform responsible for offering technical and behavioral training to company employees. We also offer all types of support to employees, who can activate one of our specialized program committees whenever necessary, ”says Beatriz Ferreira, specialist in the Respeito Dá o Tom program.
Since 2017, approximately R $ 2.7 million have been invested in the program, in initiatives such as hiring specialists in racial issues, developing internal actions, reporting channels and events on the subject. Today the company has 13 committees, located in Aegea units from north to south, which follow a schedule of local monthly actions.