Basic sanitation consists of sewage collection and treatment, urban cleaning, management of solid waste and control of pests and any type of pathogens, to ensure the health of communities. Other activities that come under basic sanitation are drinking water supply and rainwater management.
Basic sanitation is a right guaranteed by the Constitution of Brazil and defined by Law 11,445/2007 as the set of services, infrastructure and operational facilities for water supply, sewage, urban cleaning, urban drainage, as well as solid waste and rainwater management.
The Sanitation Manual of Aegea is aimed at broadening knowledge about basic sanitation and the importance of water and sewage treatment and its importance for health and for preserving the environment. Here you will find tips on intelligent use of water, correct use of water supply, sewage collection and treatment services, water meter care, cleaning of water tanks, how to detect internal leaks and guidelines on tariffs and law related to basic sanitation services.
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